Haiku Stairs

"Do one thing every day that scares you"

I am completely terrified of heights, so climbing nearly 4,000 steps on the ridge of a misty mountain definitely got my adrenaline pumping. Haiku Stairs aka "Stairway to Heaven" is an illegal hike in the residential community of Kaneohe, originally built by the military in the early 1900's, with the purpose of accessing the satellites at the top of the mountain. Now it's closed to the general public, leaving the challenge of not only the stairs, but bypassing the guard and occasional cop, to the adventurers out there. 

"Stairway to Heaven" was on the top of my annual summer bucket list, so I felt thoroughly accomplished taking this picture on the descent down from the top. Looking down, you realize all that you have climbed, as the H-3 freeway and platforms appear through the misty clouds. The metal stairs were slippery, steep, some a little loose, and definitely a little sketchy, but overall, an amazing experience in the clouds.

But if you brave souls do decide to check it out, here are some helpful tips my friends and I discovered:

1) Bring water/Gatorade and a snack.
2) Don't be afraid to take breaks, they make the hike so much easier and enjoyable.
3) Don't climb back down facing the stairs (i tried and it was terrifying)
4) Remember to take pictures and enjoy the view!!! 



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Meet The Author

Noel Utsugi + Tyra Ippongi