The Last of Summer

Now that fall is rolling around, we sadly have to say goodbye to summer. But before the days shorten and the summer produce is gone, I thought it would be appropriate to share with you all one of my favorite summer recipes. As you can probably tell from the picture above, its a heirloom tomato salad!! I'm no chef but this is really easy to make, not to mention refreshing for those lingering hot summer afternoons.  Here are the simple instructions to whip up this yummy dish: 

Heirloom tomatoes (I like to use two or more of a different color; it makes the salad look prettier) 
Fresh basil
Olive oil 
Pepper + salt to taste 

And all you do is chop the tomatoes, julienne the basil, and cut garlic into tiny pieces. Then mix it all together in a bowl, add a tad bit of olive oil, and lastly, shake in pepper & salt to taste! (Personally I love pepper so I add a ton of that) Voila, you're done! 



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Meet The Author

Noel Utsugi + Tyra Ippongi